Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Powers Crossroads Festival in Coweta County

We will be set up for our first festival this coming weekend, so there will be a flurry of baking in the coming days.  Our set-up is mostly borrowed, and we are grateful for the contributions of a tent and table and folding chairs so that we can put our best foot forward. 
If you live in the area, or just like festivals, come on by and see us!  We'll be in a lovely shaded spot about 7 miles from Keith's Korner, headed towards Powers Crossroads. Our Location on Google Maps
Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fein is just another word for pretty.

We have been hard at work, taking the steps to become an honest-to-goodness business so we can bring you the finest treats and noms on the East Coast!  Recipes are being tested even as I type this, fonts are being chosen, and spreadsheets created!  Some samples were mailed out today, so hopefully we'll get some feedback on those - if you're one of the lucky recipients, please do let us know what you think!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Baby Steps

This is all hugely terrifying and wonderful; I wish I could hang a big sign on everything that says "Pardon Our Progress", but I'm just going to beg that you all bear with me as I figure out everything and make it fantastic.  I created a Good Girl Goodies facebook page today.  It's rudimentary, and I'm hoping to get some more professional eyes to look at it very soon, but for now, it will be part of the impetus for growth and development.  I will join the rallying cry of businesses everywhere and say 'Please 'Like' Me!' 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

First post for a business that technically doesn't exist yet.

I am sure that once my technically inclined friends get their hands on this, it will look very different from the way it does right now, and I can't wait!  For now, this is my way of committing to follow through with the dream that I have had for so long; to have my own business.  Here we go!